Variety Wins


Nothing is better than a fresh, crisp well fitting suit. It certainly separates the men from the boys. It shows that you have style and class which is hard to find in men these days. If you make an effort in how you dress it’s sure to make a good impression. I’m making an effort than this suit from “Just because”. This suit to me says that you can be elegant but still simple while not being too flashy. Just screams plain old fashioned class. Personally, I only own two suits, which is not enough if I’m being honest. The more variety of suits the better it is. Most of us have enough outfits that we don’t have to look the same all the time, but what about suits? When you put a suit on is it the same one that you put on the last time you needed it? Why not be different each time? You would think you could wear a suit like this just on special occasions, but no that’s the great thing about SL, you can wear what ever you want anywhere you want, and no one cares. Like today, I was wearing my suit while going shopping for beachwear. Who cares what people think of you as long as your happy doing it and not hurting anyone all is fine. Menswear Fashion Week 2014 is soon upon us! Head down there on the 25th April until the 3rd May. While there, try out this suit plus so many more amazing designs that you will find to add some variety to your wardrobe. 

– Steve

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